Moving in day!

Dan Miller

cranky canoeist
Staff member
Just to prove it really happened, a pic is attached. Moved the first workbench into the new shop today.


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Awesome, Dan! It has been a long time coming. "People" it with all the tools of the trade and get building!
Looks mighty nice, Dan. I see for a housewarming you moved the wood stove in first. Good move. Is that sunlight coming thru the windows, or is the snow that deep? Tom McCloud
I'm reminded of something....hmmmm...oh, I remember's nice to be young and " thou shall not covet another man's shop (?) " WOW, what I could do in this place. I want some time with my sleeping bag in the loft and will cook for your family over the weekend ! See ya soon.
This would still make a great article for the journal... if you can get it past the editor...

I hear the editor is a real curmudgeon.

Tom, that is just backlit windows. We are too north to snow. The stove is actually propane fired.

First project? Haven't decided yet - there are nine (or more) in the queue right now. Caleb (my younger son) is home from Paul Smith's for break, and he is going to start working on his Old Town Special Square End canoe.

Yes, I smile a little when I go through the front door.

The shop is beautiful in many ways. I remember when I moved into my first heated shop, production increased dramatically.

+Nice shop Dan !!!! You better get them windows and door's trim on before you start any canoe projects or they will never get done
Timberframe - My old house is still standing after 300 years or so, so I expect that Dan Miller's canoe shop has quite a long legacy ahead. Beautiful work. Congrats.
+Nice shop Dan !!!! You better get them windows and door's trim on before you start any canoe projects or they will never get done

First floor windows are trimmed, just the loft and two doors to go, should be done tomorrow.

Anyone within shooting distance of the Thousand Islands (NY) is welcome to join us this Saturday, December 20, 2014, for a workshop warming / solstice celebration. Overnight guests welcome if you are not fussy about accommodations. Email or PM me for directions.

That empty building is nice, but I'm looking forward to seeing it filled up with equipment and projects.
Any old machines to show off?
