more construction pics

chris pearson

Michigan Canoe Nut
Heres some more in process shots. If anyone has interest in models, I'd be happy to share knowledge.



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    Copy of canoe-model-const. 015.jpg
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    canoe-model-const. 019.jpg
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  • canoe-model-const. 017.jpg
    canoe-model-const. 017.jpg
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Those are absolutely cool as hell Chris. I want one for each foot. Think you could leave out the center thwart and screw a cross-country ski binding to the floor?
I assume that some sort of epoxy is used as a fastener, unless one whittles down tiny tiny brass tacks :) Interesting using a solid form - how do you derive the shape without using stations? By the way, they look amazing...
yes and no....

I have used stations before, and just fill in between with wood. Then carve down to the stations. I have also programmed the forms on a computer then cut them on a cnc mill. I am an industrial modelmaker and have access to Mastercam software and cnc milling machines. They do assure that the models are accurate and authentic. But, there is no reason you cant go the carving down to the stations route. I just made my Joy Boy remake that way. I do use gap filling super glue, not epoxy. Thanks for the interest, by the way.;)
I think the previous owner of my house took their cnc milling machine with them when they left. At least, I didn't get one when I moved here. Looks like I'll be stationing/carving;) Now, if everything is 1/8th scale, ribs are what? 5/16"ish wide? and Planking is somewhere near 3/8"? Do you do all 40 ribs?
scale it!

If you have a full size canoe, use it for your dimensions and scale it by 1:8 or whatever scale your building in. Hardest part is getting white cedar down to .040" thick!