Minimizing debris dropping between canvas and hull when recanvassing

Ed Moses

LOVES Wooden Canoes
During recanvassing, the old planking at the sheer always poses a problem for me especially when having to pull staples to remove wrinkles. The brittle, old planking edges always seem to break off little pieces especially with staples that have become bent by hitting a tack going in. When these staples are removed they invariably dislodge pieces of planking that falls down between canvas and hull. MY solution to this has been to apply wide cellophane packing tape along the sheer at the top edge of the planking prior to starting the recanvassing process. The ultra sticky tape adheres well to the wood and traps any pieces of planking that might become dislodged stapling and de-stapling, eliminating the risk of undetected lumps under the new canvas.


Yep, guess it sure would. Never could try that method as the hip joint replacement restricts how low I can get down either bending , stooping or sitting on low stools. Unless ultra high saw horses were employed, I'd best not go there!! Have dislocated twice - not a pleasant experience!!

The tape thing makes good sense, ED!
Although I'm an upside-down canvasser, I have on occasion dropped a bit of planking or debris between the hull and canvas when making an adjustment to a fastening or re-doing a staple that piled up on an old fastening. I have had good luck by backing the spot with a clinching iron and hammering lightly on the debris through the canvas. Unless it it something really hard, it will crush down to be unnoticable.