Looking for stripper plans


New Member
I'm looking for plans to build a Jack's Special (Chum) and / or a Minetta. I can't find them online and, so far, the closest I've come is seeing mentions of them on this site or canoetripping-dot-net (I can't post that as a link yet or Benson will nuke me).

So far, I've completed a Bear Mountain Freedom Solo (16'3" version) and am nearly finished with a John Winters Raven build. (Fair warning: So far, I've used non-traditional woods [cedar is expensive here] and that's unlikely to change)

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks Benson. I looked on carrying place's website but can't find how to order... I'll send them an e-mail. I was hoping for downloadable so I could start tomorrow but we'll see...
I get that all the time... "oh, you built a Cedar strip..." "No, actually, that one's Aspen" (last was Tamarack, next is White Pine. Then Catalpa, maybe Cypress... who knows?)
Thanks Dan. I was looking at Alex's offerings a bit yesterday. I didn't see a Jack's Special (Chum?- I think they're the same hull) or the Minetta (which had also been recommended to me but he has some interesting tandems & I've got a granddaughter on the way.

I'd planned on doing a tandem out of Catalpa & Butternut a few solos from now and his prices are certainly reasonable. I've bookmarked him.