Looking for information about a Kennebec Canoe

Donald Solberg

New Member
I have had this canoe in storage since I bought it 35 years ago. I have finally reached the point in my life where I have the time and money to restore it. The canoe measures about 12' 9" in length with a 32" beam. I have not been able to find any information about a Kennebec canoe of this size. The serial number is 22407.

Can anyone tell me when it was made and if this will make a good solo canoe when it is restored?


Don Solberg
The Kennebec canoe with serial number 22407 is shown on pages 90 and 91 of volume four in the Kennebec ledgers. This was assigned to 12 foot long Kennebec Junior model type A. The O.S.S. column is marked OK followed by 5/20/31 so it probably had outside stems added on May 20th, 1931. It was planked by Morgan on December 20th, 1930. The canvas covering and first filler coat was applied by Leonard on the same day. The second filler coat was applied by Leonard on January 17th, 1931. It was railed by Toulouse (?) on January 31st, 1931. The "F 22" (Function number 22 or the keel?) was also completed by Giroux(?) on January 31st, 1931. The "F 23", "F 24", and "F 28" (Functions number 23, 24, and 28 which may be the braces/thwarts, seats, and painting?) were completed by Leonard(?) on March 21st, 1931. The original paint color was red. It was also packed by Lautigue on March 21st, 1931. The shipping date was June 30th, 1931 to location "31-512". This location is probably an order number but we don't currently have enough information to identify it. The original Kennebec records are stored at the Maine State Museum. I am unable to attach a scan of these records since their policies do not permit any electronic reproduction of their materials.

The microfilms of these records were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA). I hope that you will join or contribute to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See http://www.wcha.org/wcha/ to learn more about the WCHA and http://www.wcha.org/join.html to join.

The Junior model was first introduced in 1922 and should make a fine solo canoe. More information about the Kennebec Junior and other models can be found in the Kennebec catalogs contained on the Historic Wood Canoe and Boat Company Catalog Collection CD available from http://www.dragonflycanoe.com/cdrom.htm and in the WCHA store.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match your canoe. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.


I'm not the expert on Kennebec but the model you reference is the "Junior One Man" canoe model which was built from 1922 to 1928. Maybe Dan or Benson will have specific info on the serial number. In the meantime, here is a copy of this model from the 1922 catalog.

During the restoration, this is the best site for advice and encouragement...feel free to post some pictures of your progress. If not already a member, please consider joining the WCHA to help support this and other services associated with wooden canoes.

Good luck.

Ric Altfather


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Kennebec canoe

Thanks to both of you for the information. I have joined the WCHA and will post photos during the restoration. I am having it stripped on Monday.

Don Solberg
Just a little more trivia: The Junior model was offered in catalogs from 1922-1928, but they actually built them 1921-1933 (and 2 more built in 1940). Total production of the Junior model was about 244 canoes, which is about 1% of all Kennebec canoe production.
