Little help/ Advice needed

I have a 1958 20 foot Old Town Canoe that I am getting ready to sell. Lovely boat, just a little big for me at this point in my life and one bad shoulder.
I picked up the canoe in the late 1990’s in Pennsylvania. I was moving to Maine shortly thereafter and contacted Rollin Thurlow about doing a restoration. The canoe was fully restored by Northwoods Canoe in 2008. Need some advice in pricing the boat for sale. Yes, I know the old saying
“It is worth what somebody will pay for it”. That said, would welcome some thoughts at a starting point. Thinking about listing it at $3000. The boat is in beautiful condition. Thoughts for all the accumulated wisdom on this site would be welcome-Thank you



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Hi Gary, The boat is nice and I am sure Rollin's resto will show and hold up well. I would suggest more and better pics, of seats, interior, paint condition etc. A 20 foota needs the right buyer, but with the cost of a new one I cannot imagine someone not wanting yours is they are out on chamberlain often. I hope your move to Maine was what you dreamed. We almost made the shift to Blue Hill years ago.
Good Luck, Dave
The information at the first link below and similar canoes shown at the second link may help give you soe perspective. Good luck with the sale,

