Leather thong canoe seats


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I have an Otca 17 wood canvas and it has the basketweave seat. One needs replacement but thought I would try and find out if there is anyplace that does the leather thong crisscross wrap seat, or should I just replace the basketweave?
The only problem on a basketweave seat is getting the old spline out.
I can't help with leather thongs for seats, but getting the old spline out is not really a problem.

Removing the spline that holds machine-woven cane in place is greatly facilitated if you have a 1/8 inch chisel -- a size that is a little unusual, but readily available from mail-order/internet woodworking supply outfits. The groove holding the spline is usually a bit wider than 1/8 inch.

After cutting a bit of the spline away, easily enough done at the end of the spline, the narrow chisel can be inserted under the spline and used to pry it up and out of the groove, and then to clean out the groove.

I've been able to clear the groove just using the chisel and a sharp utility knife. If glue or varnish holding the spline and cane in place are unusually difficult, I suppose heat, moisture, or solvents might help.

The only seats I've seen with leather thongs are seats which had no spline groove, but which were originally drilled for hand-woven cane -- with the leather threaded through the holes, replacing the original cane. I'm not sure how you would install leather on seats with a groove, and no holes.
Leather Canoe Seats

I have a canoe made by Langford Canoe in Ontario that has leather "thong" (there has to be a better term!) seats. The leather is wrapped around the seat frame, with no holes drilled. I find them quite comfortable and durable.

I bought a replacement seat from them several years ago, and believe they may still carry them if you can contact them.
Leather thong seats

Appreciate all the replies. I know the word leather thong may not be the word for it but the only thing I could think of. Sounds kinky.:) Still looking at my options and may try the Ontario site.

I think the term you might be looking for is "babiche". It is woven rawhide like snowshoes. It is laced over the frame. See attached photo.


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Canoe seat lacing

Thanks for the website. It was interesting. Will have to re think this as looks like it requires a lot of patience.
Does anyone have a pattern for a tapered seat?

Hi. I saw the site with directions for a leather lacing seat. I want to replace a seat, but wanted to do a tapered seat instead of pure rectangle. Does anyone know of a site that has that pattern, or how I adjust the pattern on the link provided in this post? thanks, Bill

I do have a pattern for lacing seats with tapered sides. Shoot me an email and I'll send you the details (it is a bit complex to try to do in a forum listing.)


I haven't worked with the leather but used to do chair-seat weaving with cane and rush for an antique shop, and had to deal with chair seats with all sorts of strange dimensions. If the seat is a trapazoid, you would work from the middle and essentially weave your "square" and then fill in the little extra side-parts as looks best to the eye. It may not work when it comes to weaving babiche-- the triangles that remain after the square or rectangular part is woven may be separate from that middle part of the seat-- with separate strands tacked in place so that the triangles are filled but the leather isn't part of the same continuous leather strands of the middle section of the seat. I'm not saying it can't be done or shouldn't, but you may be entering new territory. If you are able to figure it out or if you find instructions, please post.