Keel holes after removal


New Member
I wasn’t planning on reinstalling the keel and was wondering what everyone does about the screw holes. I was thinking about using a foster bit to touch up the holes about 1/8” depth and using a plug cutter on rib stock to make pieces to glue in place.
Hi, One solution I've used, was to cut the heads off brass screws and then glue them with the cup washers back in the holes on the inside of the hull. They then look as they did before but no keel on the outside.
Some would say its a waste of good brass screws which is true but I usually have enough old ones around that would not have been used again anyway. Hope this helps?
I do the same as Canoe Grandpa Gary, but I don’t use finish washers. I didn’t know how else to do it and I didn’t want to put plugs in or fill them with epoxy. I also do it on canoes that come in that originally had sponsons. I think it’s about the dressiest thing that can be done.
Most of the time the screw hole has not been counter sunk and the screw head and the washer have just been compressed into the wood. The wood around the hole has been compressed but not removed. Put a wet rag over the screw hole and use an iron to steam the wood. Most of the compressed wood will swell back up and just a small hole will be left. Sand smooth and stain as needed. Just ignore the small hole and it will fade into the background.