Joe Seliga Square Stern Canoe

Jason Crenshaw

New Member
Hello All!

I've spent a little time lurking around on your forums and have been impressed by the knowledge and passion for wooden canoes. Last year I inherited a Seliga Canoe from my grandfather who has been telling me stories about this thing most of my life. As the story goes, he learned about Seliga Canoes by word of mouth while he was fighting in the Korean War. His first order of business upon returning to the states was to purchase a vee back Seliga that is now residing in my garage.

When my grandfather went into assisted living, the canoe disappeared for awhile until I was contacted by a family friend who said it had been sitting in his barn. I went and retrieved it thinking I would attempt to restore this piece of family history and possibly share it with my own kids (if I get around to having any). After starting to sand it, I quickly realized it is beyond my scope of ability. It's been neglected for several years and needs pretty significant work. After some soul searching, I've decided I would just like to help it find a home where someone with the means and ability to restore it could appreciate it.

I'm currently living in Northern California (north of Sacramento, South of Redding right on I5) and would be willing to part with it. The only thing I'd ask in exchange would be a good picture of it after it's restored-just to remember my grandfather. I realize a lot of this group is in the Minnesota area, but if someone is interested or has any suggestions for me just let me know. The serial number is difficult to read, but I believe it is 544191. Grandpa bought it in Ely (used to rant about how nice of a guy Joe was), then took it home to Curtis, MI, then brought it with his family when he moved them out to California in the early 60s. Unfortunately no paperwork exists. It's currently listed on Ebay just to get it out to a wider audience, but the listing is only $.99. If someone one here wants it, I'll take the listing down.



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Dan Lindberg's records show it to be a 17 foot long vee stern model canoe in green with a fiberglass covering and number 191 which was actually number 121. It was his last one from 1954 and sold to a private party. Dan can probably provide more background. Good luck finding a nice new home for it.

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