Patty MacLeish
Wooden Canoe Editor
WCHA's own Jeanne Bourquin is going to be on the PBS program the Woodwrights Shop, which filmed a sequence at North House Folk School.
It's Program no. 2407
Here is the schedule for some parts of the upper midwest.
Twin Cities, MN – Channel 2, November 13, 2004 at 9am
** Duluth, MN – Channel 8, November 13, 2004 at Noon
** Madison, WI – WPT, November 13 at 12:30pm
To find out when it's playing in your neck of the woods go to:
Patty MacLeish
It's Program no. 2407
Here is the schedule for some parts of the upper midwest.
Twin Cities, MN – Channel 2, November 13, 2004 at 9am
** Duluth, MN – Channel 8, November 13, 2004 at Noon
** Madison, WI – WPT, November 13 at 12:30pm
To find out when it's playing in your neck of the woods go to:
Patty MacLeish