Inventory of Bill Miller's Canoes & Canoe Forms that are being sold

Alex Guthro

LOVES Wooden Canoes
Further to my previous email and posting regarding Bill Miller's canoes being for sale, I have received additional information. Bill's brother Jim is the Estate Executor and has provided an inventory and photos of the Canoes and Forms for sale. In addition, there is an interesting letter from a former New Brunswick Builder called Bert Moore who sold a form to the Miller's Grandfather. That form is also for sale. The information does not have prices attached.

If you are interested in any of the Canoes or Forms, please contact Jim Miller at or by phone at 709-229-3334. Below is a copy of the three emails and PDF's Jim sent to me.
  1. We spoke last fall regarding my brother's canoe building business in Nictau, NB. We are in the process of disposing of his assets and are looking at a sale in late May. You mentioned that WCHA had various means of advertising to members and may be able to assist us with this process. There are 25 canoes available in various sizes and condition. All are cedar wood construction, some are canvas and others are fiberglass covered. The age ranges from the 1920s to the present, with builders ranging from Miller, Chestnut, Moore and Morris. There are also six molds available and some lumber.
  2. We intend on running the sale at Nictau from May 31-June 8. Sorry I could not access the canoes for better shots, but the area was pretty cramped!. Bill was never the neatest guy.
  3. Below is the letter between Bert Moore, (outfitter & canoe builder in Andover NB) (and Bill's Grandfather) . At that time there was a great sport fishery in that area of NB bringing in high priced sports from NYC, etc. Power dams ruined that. But the context and style of the letter I find very interesting. Two gentlemen working together. The molds they are talking about are some of the ones in the sale. The 19 ft mold my grandfather built his first canoe on in 1925 is still in use.

