ID a rib and batten canoe purchased in Peterborough around 1916.


New Member
My grandfather, John R. P. French, purchased a rib and batten canoe in Peterborough, Ontario, around 1916. The canoe is 15'8" long and 31"wide. It has three 1/4" thick planks on each side of hull, mast hole on the bow deck, mast holder on the keel under the deck, and metal strip along the keel from the stern to bow. It did not have serial numbers, plaque, or others that identify its builder. I did an internet research on antique and found that the canoe is similar to the 1900 - 1905 Williams English "Oro" Board Canoe displayed at the Canadian Canoe Museum. Will you please identify my grandfather's canoe? Thank you.


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Nice canoe!
The round ribs likely point to it being a Peterborough, or an English. Was it bought new in 1916? I ask because typically (not always) one-piece decks indicate an older craft. It does have odd thwart spacing, and that block you pictured could be for a lee board setup... maybe a sailing model? Also the way the stem band wraps around the deck is reminiscent of a couple of Ontario canoes I have seen... but that would have made the canoe at least 25years old in 1916. The experts will chime in, but regardless its a beautiful craft with provinance... treat her well.
