How much would sail hardware for a Penn Yann be worth?


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I've been contacted by a fella who says he has sail, mast, rudder and leeboards for a Penn Yan canoe. I'm not sure whether the canvas is included - but at 50+ years old it would need replacing anyway.

I didn't know Penn Yan marketed sail canoes. Or maybe this was a kit they used with their Penn Yan. Haven't see any pics yet. And they say the canoe itself was stolen 40 years ago so it's not available for a look see.

Any idea how much it'd be worth? He suggested $250. Seems high to me...
Penn Yan offered sail rigs for many years as shown in the catalog pages below. It appears that the shape of their leeboards changed in the mid-1930s. Please post some pictures of the hardware castings. It would be interesting to see if they used the same ones as Old Town did for their Leg-o'-Mutton rigs.

That price doesn't seem too far out of line if it is all in good condition. A new canoe sail rig is estimated at rig as "$1200-$2500" for comparison. Good luck,



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Considering how hard it is to find the appropriate metal bits these days, the price of good spruce, and the time it takes to make the various wooden parts yourself, I wouldn't hesitate to pay that at all if it's in decent shape, regardless of how bad the old sail is.
Thanks guys. I'll spring for it - assuming he's still willing.