Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Just idle curiosity, but I'm wondering how come the fore & aft seats on canoes are sized differently? I'm not talking about the left to right distance - clearly the front seats can be much wider than the rear seats because the latter are located at the narrower portion of the canoe. I'm referring to the seat's other dimension - their 'depth' so to speak. This dimension is formed by the two 'spacer' parts that get doweled to the parts that span the inwales. From what I've seen the 'spacers' for front seats are about 6 3/4" long and 7 3/8" long for the rear. Why the difference? Why stock two different parts? Wouldn't it have been more practical to make the seats the same depths so they could share the same 'spacer' part? Or is it that the rear seats are typically used by men - who have bigger butts?