Help with rigging and IDing this sail


New Member
Hi All,

I am "designing" a sailing canoe using a 17' Grumman Eagle and a sail I bought off ebay that I can't figure out. It is a gunter type sail but has a odd curve upper boom. I can't figure out how to rig it. I have a feeling I'm missing something. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you
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I can't really see the details well enough to say much. It's a Rolly Tasker sail and it's built specifically for some class of small sailboat, but I can't see the class logo. You might try e-mailing Rolly Tasker Sails with a photo of the class insignia (the cartoon thing above the numbers) to see whether they could tell you what model of boat it was built for. If so, you might be able to find a photo or drawing on the web for that class of sailboat, which could be a big help in seeing how it's supposed to be rigged.

Otherwise, we're going to need a better profile view of what you have (and the class logo) in order to figure things out.
Some more detail on how the upper boom (yard) might join the mast as in photo 65 could help. Perhaps the bottom of the upper boom is hollow to accept a pin or something that has gone missing the metal clamp that can be seen on the mast. Is there a possible connection point on the upper spar for the halyard might attach to.
Looks like it has good potential.
Hi Paul

Below are the links to the details. The sail is stretched out and the upper boom follows the curvature of the sail so i believe the boom and upper/lower mast are in the proper place. I may be missing some hardware. I don't see any wear marks on the upper boom that would suggest that there was any clamp,etc. attached to the lower part of the upper boom and I have no idea how it was hoisted because an attachment point is not apparent.:confused::confused: P.S. I had some one ask me about enlarging the photos just in case you did not know... in firefox hold down the control key and press the + key as many times you like to enlarge the photo
I've got nothing. I cannot see any attachment points on that yard or areas of wear.
Though I appreciate the zoom tip, it work in Google Chrome too.
I've got nothing. I cannot see any attachment points on that yard or areas of wear.
Though I appreciate the zoom tip, it work in Google Chrome too.

Yes thanks for you input, I found some info on the general type of Gunter sail. All suggest that something is missing. The two types of rigging had the upper boom or gaff hinged on the mast and the other was held on with a yoke of sorts which allowed it to be hoisted by the halyard.

Hopefully someone will have the full answer to the rigging
Ahoy Everyone,

Well I did not ID my sail but I got enough info to enable my attempt to get this sail into the wind. The sail is called an attached elliptical (birdwing) gunter. It looks like I am missing the hinged end that goes to the gaff (bent upper boom). Something I will probably have to fab. You can see good examples of the design on catboats like the Norseboat brand of catboat.

I'll post pictures as soon as it sees some fair winds!
Yes, some folks call those eliptical-sparred gunters "Birdwing Gunters". Let's get the rest of the terms right to avoid confusion. The upper spar can also be called the gunter's yard, the topmast or just the gunter, but it's not a gaff and it's not any kind of boom. The Norseboats are not gunter-rigged, they're gaff rigged. They have both throat and peak halyards - something that gunter sails generally don't have. A gunter's yard is commonly raised and suspended by a single halyard. It may or may not have a set of jaws or a fitting at the bottom of the yard, connecting it to the mast. In some cases, that end is left free and held in position by tension created by the halyard pulling the yard upward and pulling against the sail's tack corner, which is secured to the boom or lower mast. If you want a bit more control to prevent the bottom of the yard from wandering around, you can fit the bottom of the yard with a pair of jaws which surround the mast. These can be wooden or metal and usually look something like thisL


  • Gunter-jaws.jpg
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