Thanks so much Mike, for your knowledge, and insight, regarding these two canoes. Again, I just wanted to clarify that these canoes were purchased by my brother, and not me. I started this thread for my brother, since he is still a working stiff, and I am retired, with lots of time to spare.

However, having said that, I am a big fan of canoes. I designed and built two of my own back in the day, and I would love to be working on one today but, alas, I now live in an apartment, and I don't have a place to work on a canoe. I still paddle a lot, but I use inflatable kayaks now, since they are much easier to store in my apartment. My brother is reading this thread, when he has the time though, and he also appreciates all the help he is getting here. He will be the one going through all the measurements to try and determine, or see if he can narrow down, the model and year of these canoes. I do not have access to the canoes, since I live hundreds of miles away from my brother. He does come up here, now and again, for paddling trips, so I probably will see, at least one of them, this paddling season.