Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
Greetings all I am currently working on, and very grateful for the assistance from Bob Bassett, an old Penobscott which had been glassed, it is by far the most involved project, #4, to date 12 ribs, decks, rails, stem bands and numerous planks to go. I will be replacing the existing tacks as it seems the canoe saw some salt water at some point in it's long life. My question is about the old brass tacks and specifically about the clinched ends which remain after many of the the tack heads have broken when pulled. How do they get removed from the ribs which are not being replaced without unnecessary scarring, or, do they need to be removed? My concern is the sharp ends may poke their little ends through canvas and filler as the canoe flexes or will filler be thick enough? I have searched all of the halo and salt water links but have not, yet, found any reference to this.
Thanks as always for the help!
Thanks as always for the help!