Guide Boat Regatta but not really.


Hey Everyone, On September the 7th there will be a Guide Boat Regatta on Rich Lake near Newcomb,NY. It really isn't a race of any kind but this is what they are call it. The festivities start at 10am and go all afternoon. I will be there (weather permitting) with my Guide Boat and I hope to see some of the great people that I met last year in Saranac Lake for the Hanmer Guide Boat Gathering. See you there.
You could not have chosen a more perfect place for a guideboat gathering. I've spent many,many hours floating around Rich Lake in guideboats and canoes as well as relaxing on the beach with my family. It's one of the most beautiful, peaceful places on earth.

I'll do my best to be there with a boat or two.


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Hey Bill, I wish that I can take credit for this event but it is not of my doing. The Adirondack Interpretive Center is hosting this to showcase the return of one of Caleb Chase's Guide Boats that was missing for many,many years. Find me at the event I'll be by my boat the "Genny Ann".
IMAG0034.jpgIMAG0035.jpgIMAG0036.jpgIMAG0037.jpgIMAG0038.jpgIMAG0033.jpgHey Everyone, Well I just got home from our Rich Lake adventure. After leaving the lake we went to Tupper lake and ate dinner. Let me tell you, Stay away from Little Italy Pizza place. The food wasn't all the good. Anyway we had a very good time at Rich Lake. Met some great guide boat enthusiasts and also got the chance to meet Terry Chase. He is a direct descendant of Caleb Chase. Just this week I found out that I am also a very distant relative of Caleb. There were 8 boats there most of them Planked boat but there were also strippers there that looked fantastic. The "Beaver" made her grand entrance and looked marvelous after her restoration. Great job Paul, Gordon and Sorry I can't remember the last guys name,but they did great . As soon as my phone recharges I'll post the pictures that my wife & I took. Thanks for coming to the ones who showed up and It was nice to meet you in person Bill.
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