

New Member
Thought I would say hello. Owner of a 1930's Old Town canoe that is in real good shape. I pulled off the ratty canvas and started scraping down the inside for refinish several years ago, but lost interest. Hoping to restore this winter and found this site in my research. Lots to learn and appreciate the info. Looking to recanvas after I finish the woodwork.
Greetings back at ya! We'd love to hear about your canoe. Have you requested a build record yet? Do you have pictures?


Yes, I have the build record from OT. Have to dig it out but I think it was 1937 bought here locally in NY. A little deterioration at the tip of the deck and gunwale but other than that in very good shape.

I don't have any pics yet but will get some as I get back into working on it. Currently we are enjoying some unusually nice weather for upstate NY so I may be riding the motorcycle a few more times! As the cooler weather sets in, I thought it would be a good project to finish.

I am learning a lot about the rebuild - one thing I found out is to do the inside finish work before installing the canvas to prevent seepage. Glad I read that as I would have thought otherwise.

Look forward to getting to know you all.

There's lots of kindred spirits nearby to consult.
Contact al.sienkiewicz (at) for a copy of the Chapter One newsletter.
My story is similar to yours - 1942 old town - and I've found this site to be wonderful. The folks here have provided both encouragement and knowledge. Unlike us, these folks have many restorations under their belts, but are willing to help us one timers.

Please post pictures as you go along.
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