Arthur fowler
Curious about Wooden Canoes
Hello All,
I recently purchased a CLC sassafras canoe from someone who made it in a class. It seemed to be in good shape but as I was working on her I noticed a split in a lap stitch seam in the area of the bow bulkhead. It doesnt appear that it was sheathed in fiberglass.
I intend on decking and sailing this canoe .
Will the unglassed hull be unfit to put a sail on due tonpressures exerted on the hull?
Should i strip the paint and apply fibeglasa
I recently purchased a CLC sassafras canoe from someone who made it in a class. It seemed to be in good shape but as I was working on her I noticed a split in a lap stitch seam in the area of the bow bulkhead. It doesnt appear that it was sheathed in fiberglass.
I intend on decking and sailing this canoe .
Will the unglassed hull be unfit to put a sail on due tonpressures exerted on the hull?
Should i strip the paint and apply fibeglasa