Gerrish stuff...

Not unlike dieters getting discouraged that the weight they put on over the last few years doesnt melt off in 6 weeks! I'd guess that once you hit the desired shape, a longer, drawn out drying period is what you need. Worst case scenario, what about popping out the offending ribs? Couldnt be more than a few, and it is open gunwale after all.

I do that, and there won't be anything left to call it a Gerrish. Gotta replace some that are causing it, cause they are broken, but want to try and save the rest. Andre, here's a motivational poster to keep me motivated.......


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We all want you to succeed - bring her up here, we'll strap her to the roof of the FJ Cruiser and run up the road to the hunt camp in Algonquin and roll 'er over a few times:eek:
Hog update....

Not pigs, canoe indents! I think I got it beat. 2 weeks of soaking the hull with towels in it, hosed it down everyday. Two soakings of boiling water. 200 lbs of sand, 100 over each hog. Then take out the wet rags and let the canoe dry over several days with the sand bags still in it. Got it in pretty good shape and far. Definetly had to over bend the crap out of it.


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Yay-- your experience will aid many who suffer hog frustration and may think they are coming down with swine flu.

Looks spectacular, by the way!
Got all the ribs in! Feels like she is coming back to life. Planks will have to wait, gotta find quarter sawn white cedar. Canoe models, here I come.


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Looks great, Chris! Nice rounded bottom, that will be one fast canoe. Did the new stiff ribs help hold the hog out?

Hog is gone. Hanging it with lots of weight and keeping it wet for 2 weeks did the trick. Then let it slowly dry with the weight still in it.
The very old ribs I'm sure had something to do with it, really not anywhere near as strong as new ones, allowing them to pull back. I think after sealing both sides it'll be good. I always varnish both sides of the boat. They are still holding and its been in the garage for a few weeks. Even if it comes back a little oh well, part of the charater of the old gal. I am not impressed with the quality of this Gerrish, B model all the way. Still a really neat boat and you don't see them falling from the sky. Still a piece of history.