Found this picture


New Member
I came across an old box of letters while packing up some clothes for goodwill and inside was this picture. I did a quick search and found it is still existant. It was stashed with some other photos and articles about water sports. As you see, it cannot be very old because of the HD graphic at lower right. Is there a connection or was it simply misplaced?

Ok, I'll bite. What is this about? Your "photograph" appears to be the screenshot used to promote the video the abc affiliate station produced on this mall this past august. I also notice the file you uploaded is entitled "clue.jpg." (as though an invitation to some kind of scavenger hunt?) The first line of your post is almost word-for-word the first line of a Caedmon's Call song (see song "Thankful" from the 1999 release "40 Acres." Not sure this means anything - maybe it's really weridly coincidence - just another sort of strange item). The news story states this building has been around for a century, but made no mention of canoes being produced there (only furniture makers). This is in California, right? Not exactly the hotbed of early canoe-making the east-coast is, right? I realize I am no canoe historian, so I may be missing some glaringly obvious canoe reference, but... As of now I'm...cautiously suspicious? - no offense intended if you mean nothing malicious...
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Ok, I'll bite. What is this about? Your "photograph" appears to be the screenshot used to promote the video

Thanks for the info. I was not aware of any connections other that where I found it. Caedmon Call are a good band, ironic that lyric came to mind for this post. I will have to dig further for some connection.