Finished restoration of 20 foot EM White Canoe


Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
Hi everyone,
Here is a photo of the finished recanvassed---refurbished EM White Canoe, built by Jerry Stelmok in the early 1980s. What a great project for me, and a great paddling wilderness cruiser! And party boat! My children love swimming off this boat as if it were some sort of launch! I travelled twelve days and nights on Canadian rivers and lakes in this boat, this summer, with a partner, and can't say enough great things about this canoe. Heeled over it can be paddled gracefully solo. In 3 foot rollers it was steady and inspired confidence. And passersby love to ask about this canoe's story. Thank those on this site that gave invaluable advice, and thanks to Patrick Smith of the West Hollow Boat Company, Naples, NY, for fashioning replacement ribs for the restoration. And thanks to Jerry Stelmok for building the original boat, and providing advice and materials during the restoration. Life is better when one is connected to a wooden canoe.


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