Feb 2011 - 'display' canoes - color photos

Roger Young

display sample collector
I have been asked if I could post color photos of the 'display model' canoes that I wrote about in the Feb. 2011 issue of 'Wooden Canoe'. I will attempt to do so, but let me first explain the background.

Some time ago, Benson Gray asked if I would write a piece for the Journal, based on research which had been done on early display samples - some of this by myself, other bits by Dan Miller, Benson and other historians. I said I'd try. Then, 'Hunting & Fishing Collectibles' magazine asked for a similar piece, up-dating info I had written for them some years back.

The current article was written and submitted to both on the understanding that each was free to publish what they wished; I was just happy to share the information. Space and publishing limitations then prevailed: WC needed to shrink the length of text somewhat, and usually also prints mostly in black and white. H&FC elected to run the whole 8 pages, and prints in full color. Some of the impact and detail was lost to viewers who saw only b&w photos.

I have managed to find from within the bowels of my computer, the original color photos submitted. I will attempt to post these below in the hopes that clicking on the thumbnails will enlarge them enough to be appreciated. Several postings will be needed. The caption numbers may not exactly correspond, but readers should be able to coordinate the color photos below to the b&w photos seen in the Journal article. Photo credits are due to many, including the Canadian Canoe Museum, WGBH and 'Antiques Roadshow', Maine Antique Digest, and several private collectors, all of whom generously helped bring the written article to life through providing these photos.

My thanks to all who have written to say they are enjoying learning more about the 'sample' canoe models which played a large part in canoe marketing history.


the first three pics relate to J S Stephenson models; the fourth and fifth pics are an Ontario Canoe Co. model from the 1880's; the last pic is an old 6' building form from the Peterborough Canoe factory


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more color photos re 'display' model canoes

here's the second batch of color photos that go with the Feb. 2011 article on 'display models'.

the first three pics show a Rice Lake 6' wide board model from about 1900; the fourth photo shows a Rice Lake cedar/canvas display model from the 1920's; the fifth photo is a an O'Rourke model, Lakefield, ON, from the 1930's; the last photo is likely a Walter Dean 'torpedo' racing model, c. 1910


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still more color photos

the third batch of color photos re the Feb 2011 article on display samples.

these photos show, first, an unknown 'sample' possibly from the Lakefield, ON, area; second, possibly a model by Grew Boat Works, on Lake Simcoe, early 1900's; third, a Kennebec model, 63", c. 1916 in original paint; fourth, a Kennebec model, 68" circa 1922-26, original exterior and refurbished interior; fifth photo shows two more Kennebecs similar to others (original interiors with repainted exteriors); last photo is an early 4' Old Town, c.1917.


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and even more color photos

a fourth batch of color photos from the 'display canoe' piece in the Feb 2011 issue

photos here show an early Carleton Canoe model, likely pre-1910, 42"; a 4' (?) E M White, which turned up on an 'Antiques Roadshow' program from Denver, in April 2010; third and fourth photos show the only known J H Rushton model of a St. Lawrence skiff 6' long (sold at auction in 2007 for over $40,000); fifth photo is a 42" model made by Alfred Wickett, purportedly for the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, in Chicago.

And, by request, for Kathy:

From left to right, the paddles are:
Peterborough Canoe Co. 12" - 75th Anniversary issue - 1954
Peterborough Canoe Co. 18" - 60th Anniversary issue - 1939
Chestnut Canoe Co. 12" (later version)
Chestnut Canoe Co. 11" (early, hand-whittled version)
Old Town Canoe Co. 19" (after mid-1950's)
Walter Dean Canoe Co. 25" (c. 1910)
Canadian Watercraft 12" (date uncertain, probably 1940 or after)
Canadian Canoe Co. 18" (date uncertain, likely post 1930's)
Canadian Canoe Co. 12" ( ditto )
Rice Lake Canoe Co. 22" (c. 1920-25)


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Inspiring Much Awe

I knew the word "awesome" had lost its punch these last few years, so looked for a word that might mean the same thing... and found mostly a bunch of really lame slang. I did find the following definition of "awesome", which confirmed my feeling:

"Awesome: Something Americans use to describe everything."

Needless to say, your canoes deserve a very special word that means what awesome used to mean before it became fashionable. They are art, they are historical statements... canoes are fun, but these canoes are more than fun. They are formidable, amazing, heart-stirring, wonderful, marvelous, impressive, superb, cool, hip, and exciting.

Do you have a favorite (canoe model, I mean... not "word that means awesome")?

And, thanks for the paddle-pictures!

Kathy, you are too kind. But, thank you, very deeply.

I should first say that not all these models are mine; in fact only a few are. Many other folks were kind enough to let me 'borrow' theirs for inclusion in the story.

As to favorites ... very hard to say. I appreciate each and every one for what it 'says', in its own way. Mostly, I enjoy the stories that go along with them; the memories of folks I've met when collecting or researching, or of events that took place along the way on the day that I 'discovered' them. It may sound 'sappy', but I really do have as much fondness for the people I have met as I do for the canoes I have collected.

There used to be a popular 'quiz game' that collectors play amongst themselves. Ask the question: "what single piece would you save if your house was on fire and you could choose only one?"

Some say 'this one', some 'that one'. I've never been able to answer. I'm much more likely to go up in flames along with the whole darn collection, because I'd still be sitting at the bottom of the stairs trying to make up my mind. I love 'em all .... and am just happy to have known a few.