Exterior hull restoration

I've acquired an American Traders 14' wooden canoe. Excellent shape except a white-ish film on the underside of the hull. The canoe was stored on saw horses outside here in Texas and it looks like sun damage.
Using 600 grit wet sanding, I sanded this down lightly and got rid of the white-ish look, but it came back a few months later.
I tried using a little urethane varnish in a spot to see if it would make the powdery look go away, but it didn't. I have even tried a little Clorox Clean-Up thinking it may be a dry mildew, but no luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions to bring this back to a clear finish? I do not want to paint it. Thanks.



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Thank you Kathryn. That helped me gain a sense of direction and what to do w/ the finish. I'm not apprehensive anymore and looking forward to the restoration. After I get the hull finished properly, I'll fit then drill out the brass stem & stern strips.