Greg Nolan
I am not sure what tones St. Lawrence University uses for its "Scarlet and Brown" school colors, but Jerry Stelmok used Pettit's E-Z Poxy Topside Boat Paint "Fire Red" and Zinsser's Bulls Eye amber shellac for those colors. The picture above shows the brand new canoe; five seasons later, the red paint is in excellent shape; the shellac bottom shows some weathering and scuffing. During that time, I have minimized a few small bottom scuffs by simply wiping with alcohol, and overall, weathering/aging seems to have thinned the shellac coating over most of the bottom, even though the canoe is generally kept inside a garage. It will probably be too cold when I next make it up to Maine, so come next spring, I expect to put a new coat of shellac on the bottom. I'll may try spraying it on to avoid the minimal blotching that can occur when brushing shellac.My Daughter graduated from Saint Lawrence University and, unless I'm seeing that bottom paint color wrong, that combination would play quite well there.