I am reasonably confident that the canoe at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120295555681 is not a 1904 Old Town. It looks like one of the folding canvas canoes that were available from a variety of other manufacturers but I have not studied these enough to accurately identify this one. Caveat emptor,
Yeah, thanks. I was pretty sure, but no expert. I do like this canoe though, but think my wife will just walk out on me if I bring home any more canoes!
The construction method is similar to that of the kit canoes once offered by Trail Craft and others -- this one looks to me different (and a bit better) in detail than a Trail Craft. If the reserve is at or near the "buy now" price, I would think it somewhat high. But chacun à son goût.