Deck Pennant Fixture - Round


We are finishing up a CP Nutting canoe and have only one of the flag or pennant holders. The one we have is brass - 1 1/2" diameter with a 1/2" hole. It looks like the attached short tube is at about 30 degrees.

Does anyone know of a source for such an item or for something which might suffice - like a brass washer?


Linda & Dan
Couple of options (not having seen what the original looks like)

1) contact Bob Lavertue of Springfield Fan Centerboard Company (builders directory under Massachussetts) - he makes these sorts of things

2) Search the WoodenBoat Magazine index for an article on silver brazing hardware, latch onto that issue, and make your own

and 3) convince me its time to stop just thinking about making these sorts of things, and to get started myself...

Does your socket look like the one in the attached photos? This is one of a pair on a Nutting that's in my lineup for restoration. They appear to be nickel-plated steel, and the cylinder is at a right angle to the surface. Don't know any off-the-shelf reproductions, but this could be turned using a lathe or it could be cast.



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3) convince me its time to stop just thinking about making these sorts of things, and to get started myself...

Great idea! Go for it!

Can you get one to us by the end of the week...?
You must be a comedian in your other life... :D Frankly, I'll be lucky if I get my Adirondack guideboat painted in time for Boat Show in 2 weeks...

Post a picture, lets see what we're up against...
Attached is a photo of the fixture. It appears to be brass with a brass tube.

Michael, does your Nutting have mat caned or hand caned seats? Our customer's has mat caned so we think it might be from the 1930's.

Dan, Those Adirondack boats only go backwards and some of those fellas referred to Maine canoes as rag boats so even though you've moved to NY, don't be too quick to pick up any bad habits...


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Linda and Dan,

My Nutting has woven cane which I believe is original because (1) I see no signs of anything else having been there, (2) the canoe has never been re-canvased, and (3) this unusual caning pattern (see photo) matches the pattern I've seen in Brodbeck. There are some striking similarities between some Nutting and Brodbeck canoes; maybe this caning pattern is another of them.

Under this cane, however, there is a groove that surely looks like it was made for splined cane- doesn't appear to have ever been used, but it is there.

Does your canoe have a Nutting tag? If so, can you post a photo or describe?



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Seat Weave Brodbeck

Here is a photo of the seat of a recently surfaced Brodbeck to back Michael up.


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Seat Caning Pattern

Hi, Guys,

Just checking the email before closing down for the night. Dan probably will check in tomorrow.

We restored a Robertson with that same caning weave. Perhaps it is indicative of the Massachusetts/Charles River builders. The seats on this Nutting came in with masonite nailed over the seats where the caning is usually found. Both seats have a groove for a spline.

And, yes, Michael, there is a small metal rectangular plaque stating that it is a Nutting canoe. "C.P. Nutting & Co./Makers/Walpole, Mass."

That's it for tonight, folks,

Here is a photo of the Nutting Name Tag. Linda wrote Walpole but she meant Waltham - she was up late!


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