A close friend pulled his chestnut down from where he had it stored (dry unheated garage) for several years only to find that the hull finish has cracked in several places. These cracks can been seen in attached photos.
How it is best to repair, if it can be, without a complete canvas job? Feather the cracks back and repaint?
This canoe has no thwart behind the front seat, the seat now sitting about an inch from both sides . . ie the boat is openning up. Would it be advisable to intall a thwart, should we force the boat closed again?
Any info on Chestnut serial # 74093
Thanks for your help
CzY Horse
How it is best to repair, if it can be, without a complete canvas job? Feather the cracks back and repaint?

This canoe has no thwart behind the front seat, the seat now sitting about an inch from both sides . . ie the boat is openning up. Would it be advisable to intall a thwart, should we force the boat closed again?

Any info on Chestnut serial # 74093

Thanks for your help
CzY Horse