Charity Canoe - Info Needed


LOVES Wooden Canoes
I received a call and an email from a person named

Stuart DuBoff MD

regarding a canoe that needs to be sold to help in renovations of a charity center of some sort - don't know the details.

Dr Stu asked if I could help in determining a fair price for the canoe. The description and 2 pictures are attached. The length and any identifying symbols or numbers will be forthcoming. I told him that I was not the person that would have the expertise to provide the information but that I would post to the WCHA forum.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. If anyone with knowledge of these canoes would be willing to chat with Dr Stu, please let me know and provide contact information. Or, simply email him directly. I have never met the man and have only spoken to him a few minutes ago.


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it is always hard to appraise a canoe from pictures and this one is especially difficult. The pictures do not appear to match the descriptive text. Auction pricing is always a challenge to estimate and charity auctions can have especially wide ranges. My guess is that $1000 would be a fair place to start pricing this canoe. Good luck,

To get a better response, you need better images - closeups of the outside, inside, and deck, seat thwart details.
As Andre stated, the description doesn't appear to match the canoe.

Without a better description/inspection, I wouldn't give even $200 for this canoe.
Thanks Dan - I have requested additional information as I feel the same.
have a great day
Joe, i'd give $200 so fast your head would spin, i dont wear corrective lenses. Appears the description is incorrect, however if photos are of the boat in question it appears more than serviceable and properly described there would be a good audience for it, as Benson has said, though auctions can produce bargains. When i worked at one we used to say all we needed for a good sale was 2 motivated parties. Advertising and description of course is what draws. I would measure it, try to get a determination of model on here and flog it as a cedar canvas canoe with clear fiberglass in place of the canvas and let 'er fly. good luck
beat (someone) with a whip or stick as punishment or torture: "the stolen horses will be returned and the thieves flogged"

While I only did 30 years and retired not long ago legends of being flogged run rampant!

Andre, I am better informed of colloquial usage of flog in the UK

Flog away Sir