Andre Cloutier
Firestarter. Wicked Firestarter.
New project - for the would be restorer , a wonderful opportunity to hand craft replacement seats, thwards, decks, hang new inner gunwales and replace planking. Near as i can figure, an early 40's Peterborough Champlain (based on oral history with both iron seat hangers/screws), excellent sailor and all around paddler at 15.5'. Cheap Cheap Cheap. Will drag to assembly, if interested PM me. Another beautiful summer day spent on a wild chase to retrieve a "get it out of here" canoe. Not a pristine Rushton, but half the fun is chasing down the stories of the "old canoe in the garage...."
Maybe even trade for a couple of assembly t-shirts and a bumper sticker!
Maybe even trade for a couple of assembly t-shirts and a bumper sticker!