cars and trucks wearing canoes as hats...

Gerrish in route to New Hampshire assembly!


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I 2ed the "hope you didn't scratch the car" Craig.
I had to take 2 and 3rd looks at that one.
Hope it was just for the pci and you didn't go far like that.

That's about as bad a me using my '68 to take trailer loads of house debrie to the landfill years ago.

for a little humor

we brought the 1928 OTCA 18 home on a stormy late winter day a few weeks ago. I was a little worried that the wind could damage the old planking since the canvas was gone- so here it is - caccooned in a large tarp wrapped with two full rolls of duct tape, looking quite out of place sitting in front of the Sherwood, a nice inn in Skaneateles NY, where I stopped to thank my wife for not complaining about my adding another project to the list -

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Ah, what would we do without duct tape . . .

Nothing inside these old Morris hats I picked up for Denis and Kathy that I felt comfortable using as tie-down anchors to keep the hats on at highway speeds, so some external anchors were improvised, and served quite well

Also, here are two pictures (w/o duct tape) of a couple of my own hats, one getting ready for a day's paddling with my daughter and friend, and one taken while eating bar-b-q and listening to music in Monson (Alexandra Conover on the accordion) after a day's paddling with Deborah in the West Shirley bog.
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Happiness is a Fraser-built Cronje on the roof. Many thanks to those responsible.....:cool:


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A bit of schizophrenia may be showing here. Three custom solo unfinished kevlar, one We-no-nah solo, one glass hulled Snipe and to make the load at least somewhat respectable one 16' W/C Kennebec. The fibreglass kayaks are planted in the lawn in hopes of a good Spring crop.

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I realize that this isn't a wooden canoe but you don't see many wooden car top boats like this.



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Treewater's car wearing several hats. The center one he picked up from me. The one on the left is a Plycraft he found on eBay. It's interesting that our cars seem to travel around, collecting canoes...


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IMG_3546.JPGIMG_3547.JPGAnd a few people asked if the canoes would carry the car. If the top ufo had canvas definitely yes.
Mini Cooper with hat -- not yet tied down. Drove 60+ miles with no problem.
The roof rack is a standard Mini rack. Canoe was tied down at the back to the bike rack. At the front, straps were attached under the hood. Very stable. Thanks Fred.
I don't have a picture but I have lost one canoe over the edge of the car.
I used canoe blocks on the roof of the car and tied straps front and rear. I had a third strap in the center going through the door of the car. In rain, this strap wicks water into the car and in upstate NY, as the rain poured down I removed the center strap.
A strong gust, cross wind, pushed the canoe off the top and dragged long the side until I stopped. Needless to say, the canoe was broken in several places beside the damage to the skin.
Canoe blocks are nothing but trouble... The ones with grooves cut in perpendicular configuration, one for the gunnels,the other for the roof rack, are an improvement, and they provide bit of cushion for bumpy rides. But the belly straps are critical...
Thoughts of losing a canoe to the wind reminds me of an adventure Denis and I had... and how a wonderful fellow-WCHA member came to our rescue. Someone called Denis, asking if we'd look at the old canoe he pulled from his uncle's barn. We diagnosed it as a Racine and then he asked if we'd buy it... so we did, and we tied it onto the car with whatever was in the trunk (weren't expecting to pick up a canoe--- lesson learned, however: it pays to assume you will come home with a canoe!). Anyway, we could feel the wind on that canoe and could feel it shifting-- so we stopped the car and Denis called a buddy, who arrived with more tie-downs.
Hi Millie
Glad to see the canoe worked on your mini. Doesn't look like the canoe was too wide for your rack after all or is there something I'm Not seeing.
Did you notice post #19 in this thread is one of my boats. Good luck with the stripping, post photos.
Bark hat

Here is a truck hat you probably won't see very often: a ca. 1889, 10' long birch canoe, painted bright red and yellow.


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