

Curious about Wooden Canoes

Need to re-canvas a canoe. Never done it before but I've read up on it. Two questions:

Can one person do this or do you need extra hands?

And is it critical to stretch the canvas between two clamps (maybe attached to the garage walls) or can you just pull it tight as you staple from the center toward the ends?


It's not too hard to do it solo. And it is possible to do it without the clamps and come a longs. Clamps and come-a-long is better however. The canvas is temporarily stapled to the face of the stem somewhat around the curve of the stem. The other end is then stretched by hand, usually also with a foot or knee on the stem to get it as tight as can be by hand. And again staple the canvas to the face of the other stem slightly around the curve of the stem. Then proceed from the middle as usual to attach the canvas, pulling and stretching down as you go, eventually removing the temp stem staples. I should mention that the canoe is upside down during this, which makes me think it might be possible right side up but more difficult. Not sure about that. puckers can be dealt with by removing staples and re-stretching/stapling.

You won't be able to just start at the middle and work your way out. you'll need to have some tension long-wise.
as in south west of Ann Arbor? I'd offer to help but it's a couple hours and I'm going on sabbatical and won't be back til mid march '14.
I'm sure a large number of those on here canvas solo, it doesnt take much more that 2 hours including set up and take down once you've done a few. Stretching will give you a better result, and set up is quick. 2x4s and C clamps are cheap and easy, along with a few eye bolts. Search the 'upside down' method and get a pair of sheet metal vice grips, come along and stainless staples, its not as daunting a task as it would seem. Good Luck!


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Hello Skip, The Michigan Chapter will be at Quiet Water Symposium on March 1st in the Agricultural building of Michigan State University in Lansing Michigan. Gil Cramer canvasses up to 3 canoes at the show. You can contact him at I am not sure how many canoes he has lined up but if your canoe is ready you may be able to have him do it then or at least come and see how he does it. Look for us in the arena area. Stop by our booth and see us.You may want to join the Michigan Chapter of the WCHA. There will be many of us Michigander's there.
Debbie & Mike
Thanks. I'll be there on March 1. And I'll check out the Michigan Chapter.


Wooden Canoe back issue #74 has an article on canvasing ujpside-up. Issues #76 and #77 describe canvasing upside-down.

Back issues can be obtained through the online bookstore.