Canvas overlap smoothing


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I may have done a pretty poor job with the canvas overlapping the stem and I would greatly appreciate some advice for products to apply over the rough edge to smooth it out. I applied filler only over the stems, thicker in this area as advised but the edge of the canvas is very apparent as are the indents from the nails. Any thoughts on products that can help smooth this out before painting? I read a little about two part epoxy, but epoxy scares me a little. Thanks in advance for the help!


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I don't see a big problem, so long as the canvas is solidly attached to the stem. I cover the canvas overlap with epoxy & sanding dust, which can then be sanded smooth prior to paint. You will still be priming and painting, and when that is done, smearing dolfinite over the stem and attaching the brass stemband, so your canvas overlap will be well covered and out of sight. TM..
Great, thank you for your reply mccloud.

What type of epoxy do you use?
Looks like you did a good job. sand it a little when dry and its going to get bedding compound and a stem band to cover.
I have used West 105/206 for so long it does nothing that surprises me. Mix the two parts & paint it over the stem to let it soak into the canvas, then mix some sanding dust into the resin and make it real stiff, like peanut butter, and smear that over the stem. Canoe is upside down on horses. I then take a strip of stretchable plastic, something like Saran Wrap, anchor the plastic to the hull with masking tape and pull it down and across the epoxy, adding some weight at the end (a big C-clamp) to hold the plastic tight. You can then use your fingers to smooth the epoxy, fill in gaps, remove bubbles, etc. and feather the transition. The next day, a light sanding to remove any excess epoxy and take the shine off it gives a good surface that will take primer/paint. TM..
K90, Next canvas attempt, apply additional coats on the following days to build that seam up and fair it where it is needed. Apply with a paint brush and let it dry for a bit before you fair it with your hand. As long as the filler is not hard I've never had a hard time with adhesion on following days. Assuming it has been some time since the filling took place? In the mean time I'm on board with bedding compound as well.
Great advice. Thank you. Tomorrow marks three weeks since it was applied. I wish I had extra left over, I used it all up because I didn’t think I’d need it again. Live and learn.