It was surprising many years ago to find the record of a canoe that shipped from Old Town Canoe to Egypt in 1906 but that appears to have been more common than I ever imagined. E. M. White was mentioned in the "Old Town Enterprise" newspaper from April 27th, 1895 for sending a canoe to Minneapolis along with the comment that "Mr. White is very busy filling orders from all parts of the country." B. N. Morris was noted on August 21st, 1897 saying that "During the past year, Mr. Morris has shipped 25 canoes to this London dealer and the latter thinks he can handle 75 the coming year." E. H. Gerrish seems to have out done everyone in August 27th, 1898 when he shipped a canoe to Jerusalem with the news saying that "an order like this seems remarkable, until it is learned that Mr. Gerrish has also sent canoes of his manufacture to Japan, China, and India, besides places near home like British Columbia." It would be interesting to know if any of these canoes still exist.


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