canoe id


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Starting my first cedar canvas canoe restoration, can anyone help id? The canoe came with a cottage I purchased a few years back and there doesn't seem to be any identification marks. I am located in Ontario.



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The seats looked like they were redone and not original to the canoe. I am currently building some new ones. The thwart was also replaced for portage yoke. I will find my measurements and get back to you. Thanks.
The length is around 15 ft. Beam midship 36 in. Depth 12.5 in. Rib spacing is 2 in. Originally looks like there was one thwart and no kneel.
It appears to have spread in width. If you received it without a thwart or seats holding it together, you should pull in the sides and put a strap or temporary keeper thwart to bring it back closer to original shape and dimensions. If stiff or brittle, you may want to do this gradually or in stages. Perhaps soak in water first.
Interesting. My measurement could also be off a little. It did have seats and a yoke but they do not appear to be original to the canoe.