Can anyone identify this canoe builder?

patrick corry

solo canoeist
Currently a wall hanger, though it's for sale. Seller says it's 16' long. Has no canvas, and lots of "putty" or Bondo repairs at the stem heads/decks.

The gently radiused deck trailing edges suggest Chestnut to me. Also, there's a curious gunwale construction- the inwale extends along the deck sides to the stem, and there is an additional "inner" inwale added which terminates at the deck. The outwale appears to be flush with the top of the planking, rather than rabbeted to conceal the planking edge. All these 'features' could, of course, be an amateurish repair at some point in it's history!

What do you all think?

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lots of ribs, copper tacks, keelson suggest Baker, but there were homemade canoes with keelsons. Baker usually had inlay on the decks.
Back in 1972 a buddy of mine and I scored one of best coups. The Prospect Point Camp had decided to get rid of all of their wood and canvas canoes. We were looking for a spot to put in in Piercefield and found a guys lawn covered with canoes. I bought an Indian Girl and Wolf Pond. He picked up a Skowhegan and a Kennebec. I paid $50.00 for my canoes and he paid $30.00 for his. Our parents thought we had lost our minds. It's a good thing they didn't know anything about that stretch of the Racquette we were running or they would have been certain of it.
Skowhegan's (I have seen) do not have a keelson.
Early 1930's Skowhegan 18.5' Guide's Model (
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Thank you Mike, I stand corrected.
After further review, Skowhegan did not build with a keelson.
I’m not sure what I was thinking.

better and more photos may help in identifying this canoe.
Looks entirely like a Peterborough Champlain/Chestnut Pal that has been heavily modified and repaired with keelson added , based on the stem profile, sheer and deck. just sayin.