Pierre Girard
Curious about Wooden Canoes
Beginning of last weekend, Wing said we should go to the BWCA. "Good luck getting a permit," I told her. Like everything else she does - Wing is certainly competent at getting permits. She picked up the one and only permit availabe for that area for a week - starting Sunday, which is when we wanted to go.
We were headed for a small lake named Paradise. We passed these fellas on the way:
If you want to get to Paradise - you have to climb this portage - which we've dubbed, "The Stairway to Heaven (yes I know - bad joke)." It is quite a bit steeper than the photo shows:
We found a great campsite and soon had everything set up. Wing has a thing about this large tent which the kids call "The Summer Palace."
We were soon out in the canoe and Wing caught a couple of walleyes and a northern for supper. She kept us well fed and we could have left quite a bit of our food at home:
The local scenery was something like this:
We found a loon nesting:
Wing's bounty over the fire:
We tried to get some photos of a beautiful blood red moon rising over the trees and reflected in the water, but we are both such amature photogs we only got two large red circles with a black backround.
We settled in, after a long day and slept well to the wipporwill's lullabye.

We were headed for a small lake named Paradise. We passed these fellas on the way:

If you want to get to Paradise - you have to climb this portage - which we've dubbed, "The Stairway to Heaven (yes I know - bad joke)." It is quite a bit steeper than the photo shows:

We found a great campsite and soon had everything set up. Wing has a thing about this large tent which the kids call "The Summer Palace."

We were soon out in the canoe and Wing caught a couple of walleyes and a northern for supper. She kept us well fed and we could have left quite a bit of our food at home:

The local scenery was something like this:

We found a loon nesting:

Wing's bounty over the fire:

We tried to get some photos of a beautiful blood red moon rising over the trees and reflected in the water, but we are both such amature photogs we only got two large red circles with a black backround.
We settled in, after a long day and slept well to the wipporwill's lullabye.