Best solo tripper???

The Canoe Kid

LOVES Wooden Canoes
A while back there was a string about solo tripping boats. A few real knowledgeable folks had some great input on it.

I'm hoping the same folks can tell me some more about the ideal wood-canvas canoe for all about solo tripping. I'm thinking something that can handle Boundary Waters stuff and northern Maine stuff and carry a week's worth of gear. I would like a boat that could be portaged and poled.

Right now I have a Cheemaun. How would you rate this rate? What are it's strengths and weaknesses?

Thanks for your help.

The Canoe Kid

I have built one and paddled it and I think it's an excellent choice. It's a number of trade offs. We trade speed for stability, Durability for lightness, etc.
Scott, the Red Fox would be high on my list, seconded only by a 15' version that I call "Swift Fox". See photos below.

I don't want to use this thread to just self promote, but the question was asked and I have to respond personally and truthfully. Although this canoe probably wouldn't fill the definition of the question exactly as I would never pole this canoe, it's only 30" beam.

I response to the Chemaun question, I have never paddled one, so I can only answer hypothetically. A lot of people like this canoe, and as it comes from Rollin's hand, it has a good pedigree.

I am of the mind that a canoe is only successful in as much as it performs what it is expected to do. So the answer is only as good as the question. I am also of the mind that a canoe can't serve two masters well; it is either a good solo or a good tandem. Most crossovers are either too big to be good solos, or too small to be good tandems.

But maybe you need a big solo? Or as stated, a solo that can be poled? Or a solo that can carry a significant load in shallow water? If that is the case, then I think that the Chemaun would probably be a pretty good choice.


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Boundary Waters

I've had different canoes there. The portage thwart and PADS are the real issue. Well, add the mosquito hat/net in season.