Barn fresh Peterborough


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Just acquired this 16' Peterborough Champlain 1434 high end. Suspect that it is from the 1930's. Depth is 12", beam is 33". Aside from the model number stamped into the bow stem face there is also another number that appears to be 9399. Both numbers are barely visible but were from the same stamp set. Can anyone tell me what the second number [ 9399 ] means? All screws are slotted. Only one thwart at about 78" from the stern. The forward seat center is also 78" from the bow which seems quite unique compared to the usual 62" , give or take, location for a 16' Peterborough Champlain 1434 high end 002.jpg16' Peterborough Champlain 1434 high end 001.jpg16' Peterborough Champlain 1434 high end 003.jpg16' Peterborough Champlain 1434 high end 015.jpg bow seat on a 16'. I can find that this model was produced from 1938 to 1942. Were they produced in any other years?
The Peterborough Canoe Co Champlain models were introduced in the early 1930’s together as a pair; the pleasure model – Champlain high end, and the cruiser model – Champlain low end.

The pleasure model Champlain high end initially had the model # 16S but it was changed to model # 26P in 1936 and again in 1939 to model # 1434.

The high end model #1434 was produced until 1955. The serial or work order number, e.g. 9399, was just that. Unfortunately, no records have been found.

Dick Persson
Buckhorn Canoe Company
Buckhorn, Ontario
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Very Nice find Dave
As to the pictures- maybe you should post the pictures before you celebrate the new aquisition.But what do I know
I'm probably just stating the obvious (it's what I do), but having the bow seat that far back close to the center of the boat will come in real handy if you want to paddle the thing solo..
Thanks Dick and Dan. Dan, the last coat of paint went on the Lake Louise 18' Chestnut yesterday. Hope to get the new Oak outwales on it today. I'm looking forward to trying the "barn fresh" Peterborough solo once it is restored. I had also considered the the location of the bow seat might be advantageous. The con is that there is no room for a center thwart or carrying yoke.
The High End Champlain is identical to the Otonobee model, save that the Otonobee had Mahogany trim. The offset center thwart is most likely so that paddles can be strapped in for portaging, which allows the balance point to be better located. It could also be due to providing a nice center space for lounging with a canoe seat set on the floor, or cushions...

I have an Otonobee, its a very nice paddling canoe, paddles well solo and is very fast paddled tandem.