B.N. Moris #16726

Bill Thurlow

Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
These are the flag sockets that came with the Morris canoe that I have. They are bronze, should I use them when restoration is complete or replace with the traditional Morris style socket?

In my opinion, replace them. They are not correct Morris sockets and they don't even fit well. Save them for some other canoe that has a one piece deck without the king plank down the middle (or at least a wider one). Just my 2 cents worth.
Definitely replace them. These are not original, the Morris version is much prettier, and the way these are now, they're just begging to get snagged on something, possibly ripping a hole in your soon-to-be-restored canoe. Originals are hard to come by. When I need them, I make exact replicas from one original. Not too difficult; requires only time, forethought, and brass plate and tube stock. Original on left, replica on right:
Morris flagstaff socket_Grace_sm.jpg
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Thanks for your advice. Still working on it, hope to get it in the water before summer is gone.
