Assembly Call for Program Activities

Rob Stevens

Wooden Canoes are in the Blood

Call for Program Activities​

Wooden Canoe Heritage Association​

44th Annual Assembly, July 16-21, 2024

The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association, was founded in 1979 as a non-profit membership organization devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wooden canoes, and to disseminating information about canoeing heritage throughout the world.

Seeking Speakers & Resource People for;

Feature Presentations, Information Sessions/Displays, Instructional Workshops, Demonstrations, Films, Musical Performance.

Topics include (but not limited to);
Paddle-Carving, Repair
Canoe; Building, Repair, Refinishing, Restoration
Paddling Heritage and History, Trip/Expedition Reports
Canoe Tripping, Cooking & Camp Craft
Paddling Instruction/Skills/Safety, including Canoe Sailing
Ecology, Flora and Fauna
Children’s Program; ages 5-12 (some requiring parental participation)

Vendors & Informational Displays Welcome!
Rates (5 day event); $30 US ($37 Can) pre-paid with registration,
or $45 US ($57 Can) at the event.
You are expected to supply your own display/table/chairs/canopy etc.

Venue: Paul Smith’s College;

More info, contact;

Rob Stevens
Program Coordinator, Annual Assembly
Wooden Canoe Heritage Association

A variety of WCHA videos are archived on the YouTube channel;
I am thinking about putting on a canoe sailing workshop. Was anyone else already planning one? Benson would you be interested in joining in or at least bringing the double sail red and yellow boat?
Yes, indeed. That is on the program (subject to securing a safety boat), led by Benson, Geoffrey Burke & Sandy Bate, with open input welcome.

Intro to Canoe Sailing – Part 1 (on land)
Benson Gray, Geoffrey Burke and Sandy Bate introduce rigging canoes and basic sailing techniques. (Wed 9-11)

Intro to Canoe Sailing – Part 2 (on water)
Canoe sailors take to the water to apply their learnings. (Wed 1-4)
I am thinking about putting on a canoe sailing workshop. Was anyone else already planning one? Benson would you be interested in joining in or at least bringing the double sail red and yellow boat?

Yes, one is currently scheduled to run on Wednesday as Rob mentioned so your help would be much appreciated. My current plan is to bring the double sail canoe shown at from 1936. The other may be the centerboard sailing canoe from 1927 shown at or the one from 1958 shown at which you mentioned. It would not be easy to bring all three.

Yes, one is currently scheduled to run on Wednesday as Rob mentioned so your help would be much appreciated. My current plan is to bring the double sail canoe shown at from 1936. The other may be the centerboard sailing canoe from 1927 shown at or the one from 1958 shown at which you mentioned. It would not be easy to bring all three.

Add spare clothes and a large bailing bucket to the kit list in my limited experience of canoe sailing