Assembly Auction

Nick Dennis

Each year at the Assembly an auction is held to raise funds to help support and run YOUR WCHA.
Not only are there a couple of fabulous canoes on offer this year but there are also low ticket smaller items available.

I like to pack and bring something but am constrained by my airline baggage allowance. This year I have found and will donate this Suunto pilots compass. It dates from 1950ish, works , glows and has a separate dial on the rear which measures incline. I work on the principal that if I like it someone else will too.




If you have something interesting knocking around the home which you think others would like please do think about donating it to the auction; as they say, every little helps. Either bring it in person or if you know of someone travelling to Paul Smiths, sneak it in their trunk.

Thanks in anticipation!
Probably, most of our sights and other gear had illumination that was probably not aligned with OSHA guidelines. after using them for 30 years we kind of stopped caring. But as my vision degrades it makes me wonder...
Good point Dan. There is however no background glow in the dark and in the morning having been in a box there was no glow. It has luminosity only once exposed to light which then fades off. I suspect it has a luminous paint. A retired RAF officer friend of mine had a look and confirmed this. It’s not dissimilar to one of my Luminox watches.
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Each year at the Assembly an auction is held to raise funds to help support and run YOUR WCHA. . . .

I work on the principal that if I like it someone else will too.

If you have something interesting knocking around the home which you think others would like please do think about donating it to the auction; as they say, every little helps. Either bring it in person or if you know of someone travelling to Paul Smiths, sneak it in their trunk.
Keep in mind that we will also be having our "fire sale" again -- tools and canoe-related items that I and others no longer have use for (if we ever did) or that you have too many of (you really can have too many clamps) being sold at ridiculously low prices -- typically $1 to $10, with most at the low end of the range.

If you have such an item or three, please consider donating to the sale, You can contact me ( to see if anyting you have would be suitable.

AS Nick says, every little bit helps -- our first sale got about $1400 for the WCHA; last summer ghe sale generated about &750.
Nick has Luminox gone to luminous finishes? Still wearing my tritium tubes around.. Here's a sad situation i came across in a forum while we were restoring a Bren carrier years ago
I stand corrected Andre. My Series 3000 does indeed have the tubes which I assume are tritium. The eyes are not what they were!

The “Le Man’s” start to the tool fire sale which Greg mentions is a sight to be seen, women, children and old canoeists with Zimmer frames have no chance at that event and are likely to be crushed in the rush