Another Paddle and Another


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Some years ago I was reading about the old cowboys and how they would distain work if it couldnt be done from the back of a horse..I kind of liked that mindset and decided that I would adapt the idea only apply it to canoes.Cut out the work part and use a canoe to recreate.So it works pretty well ,smart them cowhands.
Every chance I get I use a canoe -birdwatching ,fishing,hunting all sorts of stuff.
Spring is for antler hunting.We have a buyer that comes to town,I usually like to find a few for him or give some away to local craft folk I know.Lots of fun poking through the bush looking.
The other evening I headed out for an evening paddle and a quick look before dark.I was lucky and found 2 moose antlers they are a match.Took awhile to find both.When I came back to my take out spot there was there 4 fellas from England How they ever found that spot I do not know .They planned to stay the night so I got them up a fire and had a chat,interesting talking to folks from away
Today I went for another look on a river .As I rounded a bend ,saw on the far bank tracks where an elk had ran across a sandbar and into the river.When he exited on my side of the river he never stopped to shake water off.You could see where he just left the river and in a hurry.Just downstream of where he came ashore 2 wolf tracks also came out of the water.The tracks went across another sandbar and the elk made a very sharp turn.There was a third wolf on this side waiting.Im wondering how they ever planned that move.Did the other 2 chase it over to the otherside of the river then back.Lots of questions.The elk made the woods ,wolves on his heels and all was gone -just a short story in the sand for me to read and ponder over.Shortly after that I found a small 6 point antler shed Could have been from our escapee I was telling you about, maybe-More unanswerable questions.Also picked up a small mule deer shed
Anyways hope my small story and pictures are of interest to you.Going to have to take that camera but usually leave it at home cause if you have it it just gets beatup and it doesnt swim very well.


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Awesome post, Dan.
I hope to find some antlers some day. Even better if from a canoe.

A friend who lives in Nunavut ie. above the treeline picks up caribou antlers like Tim Horton's cups -they're everywhere. He sent me a few for making knife handles, etc.