LOVES Wooden Canoes
Well, the plan was to put in at Elsemore Landing at the south end of Pocumcus Lake and head north to Junior, Scraggly and back down through Sysladobsis lake to Elsemore. I did put in at Elsemore, but the wind from the north was so strong I had to turn back.
I checked my Maine Atlas and headed over to Wabassus Lake to regroup, had a love sick moose come up the stream I was camped on about midnight, talk about close....but I did get to paddle before dark

Next morning I headed over to 4th Machias Lake and paddled there for a while, ran into some bear hunters, they hunt over bait and said they never hear the bears coming, they just appear without a sound, so from now on when I'm camping, I will only worry when I don't hear a thing.

4th is a very remote and beautful lake but the fishing suffers, so I headed to 3rd Machias lake
Arrived at 3rd Machias Lake, here's my Chestnut Bob's Special loaded at the put in

I found a real nice smaller campsite with the typical Maine tablecraft, not bad, split cedar logs so the smell was very nice, and I used the leftovers for fire straters,

Here's the view out front of the site..

I spent 4 days there, the paddling was great, many sandy beachs to explore...

and the fishing was great, lots of smallmouth bass...

All in all, a great place to explore and camp, although I think it might get busy during the summer. The big campsites show alot of use, yet I never found a bit of trash in 4 days, and lots of firewood...

Next year I plan to return and complete the entire Machias River in my favorite canoe, a Chestnut Pal, from 5th lake on thru to 1st Machias lake then down to the sea, about 80 miles. Here's the river downstream of 2nd lake, it contains rapids up to class 3 but with well marked portages. Very pretty Maine river though.

I checked my Maine Atlas and headed over to Wabassus Lake to regroup, had a love sick moose come up the stream I was camped on about midnight, talk about close....but I did get to paddle before dark

Next morning I headed over to 4th Machias Lake and paddled there for a while, ran into some bear hunters, they hunt over bait and said they never hear the bears coming, they just appear without a sound, so from now on when I'm camping, I will only worry when I don't hear a thing.

4th is a very remote and beautful lake but the fishing suffers, so I headed to 3rd Machias lake
Arrived at 3rd Machias Lake, here's my Chestnut Bob's Special loaded at the put in

I found a real nice smaller campsite with the typical Maine tablecraft, not bad, split cedar logs so the smell was very nice, and I used the leftovers for fire straters,

Here's the view out front of the site..

I spent 4 days there, the paddling was great, many sandy beachs to explore...

and the fishing was great, lots of smallmouth bass...

All in all, a great place to explore and camp, although I think it might get busy during the summer. The big campsites show alot of use, yet I never found a bit of trash in 4 days, and lots of firewood...

Next year I plan to return and complete the entire Machias River in my favorite canoe, a Chestnut Pal, from 5th lake on thru to 1st Machias lake then down to the sea, about 80 miles. Here's the river downstream of 2nd lake, it contains rapids up to class 3 but with well marked portages. Very pretty Maine river though.