23 Old Town "aa, Ideal"

Jerry Poenitske

New Member
I'm brand new to the forum but have seen the site before and figured this was a good place to start.

I've restored a few wood/canvas canoes now and love to paddle. A few years ago I was fortunate enough to come accross my first canoe, mentioned in the title above. Since then I've restored 3 others and have another (65 Old Town, guide) in the barn ready to canvas. I should probably sell that one and keep the one above but its time to let someone else enjoy this fine canoe. I'm taking it to a local re-enactment this weekend hoping someone there might be able to enjoy it as much as I have but I doubt I'll be able to sell it there.

I really don't know what it is truly worth and was hoping someone here could offer some opinions. Based on the FAQ's, I'd say probably closer to 1500 but appreciate the take. I'm more interested in the home she goes to than getting top dollar.

She is trimmed in open mahogany gunawales, tharts and seats, half ribbed with a keel. Grade is aa, model Ideal. I have not had to recanvas this canoe but did re-paint it to the dark brown she was shipped in.

Thanks in advance for any help or opinions...

Hi Jerry:

I have an Ideal too. It's a 16 footer. Maybe it's just those fancy lines and trim, but I think it is a surprisingly fast canoe. Sell one of the others ;) (kidding).

There is a classified section here on the website which is a good place to sell. You don't say much about the overall condition of the canoe. The FAQs is pretty good advice when arriving at a price.
Thanks, I'll take a look at the FAQ again. I agree, it is fast and I hate to part with her but...

I couldn't find the classifieds but I'll look again.
my 1916 ideal

hi, i too have an ideal model, built april,18 1916 i still use it, something this old is worth more than you think, depending on the shape it is in. i recently restored a 1935 sailing canoe and have sailed that as well