#127243 Build Record


New Member

I have finally pulled my family's 17' Old Town sailing canoe out of storage.The last time I sailed and canoed it was in 1968. It has had the canvas stripped off and the sponsons removed, (I have them but they were cut in half and rescued from the roadside trash pickup). Stems are in need of repair and she is very light and dry. However the leeboards, leeboard thwart, backrest, floor board, rudder, original paddles, 2 piece sloop rigged mast (w/brass coupling)boom and sail are all in very good condition. Color was red. #127243 17 embossed on stem piece.

My family acquired it in 1957 when we purchased our home in Medford Lakes, NJ. The sellers' name was Brysaker (phonetic sp.) of 179 Comanche Trail.

This boat will be restored after its almost 40 yr drydock. I have coveted this cherished hull and have stored it in various barns since the sixties.

I am greatly looking forward to finally having a chance to learn its secret history and take steps towards it's long awaited resurrection.

Thank You, Doug Walker
Ot Sn 127243


This canoe was shipped on June 22, 1939 to Medford, N.J, to the original owner, Breisacher. It is a 17' Model HW in CS grade with spruce gunwales. She was built with a keel, sponsons, floor rack in "fine red" color. The mast seat & step with rudder were original from factory.

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Build records attached.


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#127243 Record Search


Thankyou so much for looking up this information. I was greatly surprised for two reasons.

I had never imagined the canoe to be as old as it was,now 66yrs this April.

I had always assumed it was an Octa model. Never heard of an HW until just a few days ago until I began digging into OT's heritage.

What is the difference between an Octa and a HW ? I managed to read an article from Benson Gray that stated HW probably stood for Heavy Water.

It also appears that the sloop rigged sail was perhaps not a very popular setup. All of the photos and text point to a lateen configuration that was used extensively through out the years. Perhaps a 1939 catalog would yield some information on this. Is there any compiled data on sail equipment sold ?Was there literature from OT that had rigging instructions?

Thanks to all those that have made the build records accessable. I will join the WCHA to help back it's cause.

FIRE!!! red

I could be mistaken, but I think the color on the build record is FIRE RED.

WOOO Haa!!! :D :eek: :)