120296 serial old town

Mike G

New Member
Was looking for a card for my other Old town canoe, first number 120296, that number taken off my ME boat registration, separated with a BT then the other number is 163018, again off ME boat registration, the registration says 1937 old town. Neither serial can be found on stem or stern, it is 18 foot square stern with sponsons.


Txs in advance Benson
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The Old Town records for serial numbers 120296 and 163018 both show 17 foot long Otca models in AA grade with floor racks and keels but no sponsons. These don't seem like a good match for your square stern. The information at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?791 may help you locate the numbers. Many other builders made similar square sterns so yours may not be an Old Town. Pictures would help with an identification. Good luck,



  • 120296.gif
    25.7 KB · Views: 305
  • 163018.gif
    276.2 KB · Views: 300
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The lack of a serial on stem had me stymied I have the floor racks and it has half ribs, also brass fitted two piece sliding rotating oar locks on the sponsons. A maple center rowing seat and also of course a keel, it was fiberglassed when I got it, and the fiberglass had separated from the planking, so I re-fiberglassed it, also redid the square stern transom as it had rot in it. It was a work house when I bought it 35 years ago and still is today.

Never saw an Old Town name plate and only had the previous ME state boat registration as to origin. I'll take some pics if I get of it. But I think you have nailed it without a serial on the stem, doubtful its an Old Town.

Txs again Benson. this is a wonderful site and I'll put a donation in the plate