Morris floor rack?


LOVES Wooden Canoes
I am going to varnish the interior of the morris this summer but wanted to build a floor rack for it before I sand off the remnants off where the previous was.

What kind of wood were they made of.?
How thick?

I can see other pics of the end profile, etc, but if anyone wants to provide details or close up pics that would help.

Any pictures and dimensions would be much appreciated! Mine looks to be a replacement, and is rather crude. Thanks!

Mike Wootton
Nice canoe. From the pictures, it appears to me to be the original floor rack. Mine just no longer exists. I would strip it and keep it.
I will be able to take pictures of my original floor rack from an 18' Morris when I'm in Maine for the Memorial Day holiday, and will post them then.
Morris floor rack

the Morris floor rack slats were just under 1/4" thick; most often spruce but sometimes mahogany. the mahogany slats are much more difficult to work with!
Attached are pictures a rack from a 17 ft Morris and a new floor rack.


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Thanks for posting the pictures. It does look like mine may be original. The new one is outstanding! Nice work!
two different racks

I'm showing two floor racks. One has 3/4" and nominal 3/8" slats. They seem to be spruce. The other has 1" by 1/4" nominal slats and seem to be cedar.
The wider boards come from a wider canoe though both are 17 footers.


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The pictures are much help guys. I was wondering if they might of used Mahogany. It sure would look nice but not sure I want to spring the cost of it. I can see mine was of the skinny variety.

Thanks for the effort!
When building be careful to attach the cross braces so they fit between the ribs.
DAMHIKT (Don't Ask Me How I Know This)
Morris 18' floor rack

I’m not sure these pictures add a whole lot to the pictures already posted, but since I said I would get them, here they are, in this and in a following post:

This rack seems to be spruce (it is not mahogany), very straight-grained, almost no run-out.


The lengthwise slats are 3/8” thick and ¾” wide

There are five cross-slats, with the following widths, from one end to the other:
8 3/4” -- 10 ½” -- 11” -- 10 ½” -- 9”


See following post for a few more pictures.
Morris 18' floor rack -- 2

The 8 ¾” slat is quite curved, to conform to the bottom of the canoe. The rack is not centered fore-and-aft in the canoe -- the curved end lies much closer to one (bow, I think) stem than to the other -- I am not sure that the curved end goes toward the bow, because the state of my Morris hull gives no indication of which end is which, but I assume it is for the bow end, to protect the canoe from the bow paddler's feet.

21.JPG 22.JPG 33.JPG

The cross-slats are 1 ¼” wide


The whole thing is fastened with thin, long brass escutcheon pins or nails that appear to be simply bent over (rather than clenched) on the bottom side.

I just about finished a rack for my Meramac and made it out of clear brown cedar to match the hull.Alot cheaper then mahogany. Grover PS Skeezix is completed ready to get wet.
The rack that wasn't there seemed more like Gregs on mine. I had a real decent piece of western cedar so used it. It doesn't seem like a big job but it was. On to the next adventure on this beast.

Thanks for all the pictures.
