

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I am very curious if anyone has experimented using Tyvek house wrap to cover a canoe instead of canvas? It is much lighter, waterproof, and would require almost no filler. It is very strong and is paintable. It also will not mold and is paintable. I imagine it may lose its "breathability" if painted but is much cheaper than canvas. I realize that it is not a traditional material but after a nightmare removing fiberglass at least this material will easily be removed if it fails.

Anyone experiment with it or if I decide to do it I will be the crash test dummy?

If you want something lighter than canvas use dacron. Use the search function at top right to find out all about it.

Jim C.
I would also wonder if Tyvek would have enough stretch and give to work with the compound curves of the canoe. But what the heck, try it & see!